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tanz hoch zwei
11. - 13.April 20.30 h nächste >
Five Movement Adventures 

Koordination & Direktion: Amos Hetz; Tänzer/Choreografen: Irene Sieben, Katja Münker, Dragana Cukavac, Sigrid Spachtholz, Amos Hetz
Fünf charismatische und erfahrene Künstler/innen treffen zusammen. Amos Hetz (1933, Tel Aviv), der konsequenteste Vertreter einer analytischen und integrativen Bewegungsauffassung; Irene Sieben (1943, Berlin) langjährige freie Journalistin und Expertin für die Entwicklungen im Zeitgenössischen Tanz, ausgebildete Tänzerin und Tanzpädagogin bei Mary Wigman und Manja Chmièl; Dragana Cukavac (1955, Belgrad), Leiterin der performancebuehne berlin für Genre übergreifende Projekte; Sigrid Spachtholz (1959, Speyer), seit 1998 „Movement Studies“ bei Amos Hetz; Katja Münker (1964, Göttingen), Erfinderin von „Transploration“, einem selbstorganisierten Lern- und Forschungsprojekt. Ihre Vielseitigkeit und umfassende Ausbildung in verschiedenen Techniken und Methoden ermöglicht ihnen, eingeschriebenes Körperwissen, individuelle Geschichte und künstlerische Biografien in einer Komposition aus Gesten und Bewegungen sichtbar zu machen und gleichzeitig in eine lebendige und sinnliche Arbeit zu transformieren. Die außergewöhnlichen Protagonist/inn/en lassen sich auf ein neues Experiment mit der Herausforderung des gemeinsamen Prozesses ein, „... to create a dance, a place to move with a wider individual and collective vocabulary.” Die Arbeit für dieses einmalige Quintett entsteht in enger Verbindung mit Musikkomposition und Lichtraumdesign.

Amos Hetz graduated from the Avni School of Art and the Seminar Hakibutzim. Studied with Noa Eshkol and with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. Established the Department of Movement and Movement Notation at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. In 1971 he founded the dance ensemble Tnu’ot and has performed his dances in Israel, Europe and the USA. Since 1989 he has directed Room Dances, a festival for chamber dance. Parallel to his performances and teaching activities, for the past 10 years he has been creating scores of dance collaborations that he directs and performs in. 1991-1992 fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. 2007 Valeska-Gert Guest Professorship at Freie Universität Berlin.

[Workshop mit Katja Münker 6. - 9.4.09]
[Workshop mit Amos Hetz 14. - 17.4.09]

Performance: 10,- €/erm. 8,- €


Coordination & Direction: Amos Hetz; Dancers/Choreographers: Irene Sieben, Katja Münker, Dragana Cukavac, Sigrid Spachtholz, Amos Hetz

Five charismatic and experienced artists meet en masse. Amos Hetz (1933, Tel Aviv) is the most consistent representative of an analytic and integrative approach to movement; Irene Sieben (1943, Berlin) is a longstanding freelance journalist and expert for developments in contemporary dance, trained dancer and dance teacher with Mary Wigman and Manja Chmièl; Dragana Cukavac (1955, Belgrade) is the director of the performancebuehne berlin for genre-spanning projects; Sigrid Spachtholz (1964, Göttingen) is the inventor of “Transploration”, a self-organised learning and research project. Their versatility and comprehensive education in various techniques and methods allow them to use their knowledge of the body, individual histories and artistic biographies to make visible a composition of gestures and movements and transform them into a vibrant and sensual work. These exceptional protagonists join in a new experiment with the challenge of a mutual process “…to create a dance, a place to move with a wider individual and collective vocabulary.” The work of this unique quintet develops in close association with music composition and lighting design.

Amos Hetz graduated from the Avni School of Art and the Seminar Hakibutzim. Studied with Noa Eshkol and with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. Established the Department of Movement and Movement Notation at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. In 1971 he founded the dance ensemble Tnu’ot and has performed his dances in Israel, Europe and the USA. Since 1989 he has directed Room Dances, a festival for chamber dance. Parallel to his performances and teaching activities, for the past 10 years he has been creating scores of dance collaborations that he directs and performs in. 1991-1992 fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. 2007 Valeska-Gert Guest Professorship at Freie Universität Berlin.

[Workshop with Katja Münker 06–09 April 2009]
[Workshop with Amos Hetz 14–17 April 2009]

Performance: 10€/8€ discounted
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