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Übersicht Veranstaltungen 2009
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29.August 16.00 h nächste >
Valérie Lanciaux 

Das Alter Ego Veronica erzählt über ihre Liebe zur Musik und Poesie, zum Gesang, über die Welt und die Liebe zum Leben. Dieses Solo entsteht aus der Erfahrung als Schauspielerin im Umgang mit poetischen Texten und als ein „Notfall“, dem unwiderstehlichen Ausdrucksbedürfnis der Künstlerin. Nach vielen Jahren als Schauspielerin in einer Company und als Kuratorin für ein Performing Arts Festival in Valenciennes wie auch als Dozentin für die BA Studenten am Hütz in Berlin, muss Valerie Lanciaux wieder auf die Bühne zurück.

Ihre jahrelange Beobachtung von Tanz hat ihre geistige und körperliche Struktur derart gespeist, dass sie nun, neben dem Schauspiel auch den Tanz mit in ihr theatralisches Spiel aufnehmen muss.
Der Beginn des Arbeitsprozesses ist markiert durch Texte von Guillaume Apollinaire, Charles Baudelaire und von dem türkischen Sänger Leman Sam.

When I arrived to Madrid at the end of February 2008, the desire of acting and making projects came back. First I had a lot of ideas for making video-projects, then appeared projects with theatre-dance-performance. I needed to be again on stage. In May we decided to make a duet with a friend-dancer. In July the duet turned into a solo. I started to work on this solo and I showed a work-in-progress in September in Madrid. But after only some hours of work, I could not say that this project was born from the changes I made in my life these last months. I wanted to integrate what builds me. I wanted to talk about my love for music, singing, poetry, the world…my love for life…
Each minute I feel moved by the world, by the relationships between people, by a smile that I perceive, by the incredible life there is in a city. My life is like a huge piece of sensitivity and emotion. And I wanted to do a project alone for the first time, alter years in a company.Talking with the people who accompanied me during the process, I decided to create a character for not saying “I”. The character is called Veronica.”
An auto-biography
In this solo, I am working from my experience as an actress with texts from poets. The body has always been important in my work for years. I cannot imagine to make a project without including the body. I cannot do a classical theatre project, at any case not yet. My body carries my voice. I started to work with a text by Guillaume Apollinaire, one by Charles Baudelaire and one by Turkish singer Leman Sam. At the moment I am talking in French but I would also like to speak in the language of the country in which I would present the work. When the character talks to the audience, it speaks in the language of the audience.
I divided the Project in different parts that I called “Amores” (loves) (reference to the title “Amor Doble Amor” – “Love Double Love”). We have Love number 1, Love number 2… Singing is an important part of the process. I would like to add texts from other authors. The idea is to make a solo the duration of which would be 1 hour.
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