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12.November 17.00 h nächste >
apap Residenz | pathosformel "An Afternoon Love" 

apap Residenz | Showing von pathosformel von Daniel Blanga Gubbay, Paola Villani; mit Joseph Kusendila.

«It is not a handbook: it will not tell you how to behave or what to do to run away from troubles or from the encumbrance of abandonment. It has no plot, except maybe the investigation of movements of love, just as movements». (Pier Vittorio Tondelli on Roland Barthes’ A Lover’s Discourse: Fragments)
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An unbroken training that, behind the image of athleticism and competition, let the eye perceive the world of relationships and intimacy existing among it. The relation between a man and his object has the same complexity of the one between two men?
It looks like a fierce battle with the object but becomes the most persuasive of conquests; it assume the nuances of human life to return suddenly to be just a training: it is a duo choreography with just one man, who sketches the relationship in motion we always have one each other.
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Ort: Tanzfabrik Berlin/Wedding, Uferstudio 2
Uferstr. 8/23, 13357 Berlin
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