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Übersicht Veranstaltungen 2012
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24.Januar 16.00 h nächste >
"Open Day #3: Performance And The Public" 

Von und mit Walking Theorie (TkH) Bojana Cveji, Marta Popivoda, Ana Vujanovic, Antonia Baehr, Ligna, Isabell Loray, Nicolas Siepen, Siegmar Zacharias
What is public space, and do we have one, or several, today? Is it only that which we produce, but can't own? Who governs the public space today? Who are "we" who address the public space as "our" concern? Are we as citizens, especially artists and intellectuals, politically challenged or even dispossessed to the extent that we cannot conceive of the public as the site of action today?

With these questions, Ana Vujanovic, Bojana Cvejic and Marta Popivoda, from the collective Walking Theory (TkH) from Belgrade, have begun a two-year long theoretical-artistic research about performance and the public, within their project "How to do things by theory" in les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers in Paris. They focus on contemporary forms of social choreography and social drama, "artivism", biopolitical technologies of self-performance in public, etc. Their research involves examining and fabricating heterogeneous artifacts of artistic and everyday practices: movements, images, laws, habits, discourses… Their perspectives are informed by two different contexts, socialist Yugoslavia and contemporary Western neo-liberal capitalism.

PROGRAM (draft)
Performance and the Public:
“Mapping Out A Research“ Introduction

“Can We Only Perform the Public Now?“ Lecture by Ana Vujanovic and Bojana Cvejic 

"Yugoslavia: How Ideas Moved Our Collective Body" 
Marta Popivoda's selection from video archives, Screening with Discussion
Choreography in public space/Social choreography" Public interview by TkH with members of Ligna and Antonia Baehr 

Isabell Loray (sharp thoughts or talk)

Siegmar Zacharias (choreography in business management)

In Kooperation mit Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers in Paris, HZT und Tanzfabrik Berlin. Gefördert durch Allianz Kulturstiftung.

Eintritt frei

Ort: Tanzfabrik Berlin/Wedding, Uferstudios HZT
Uferstr. 8/23, 13357 Berlin
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