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Übersicht Veranstaltungen 2012
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16.August 18.30 h nächste >
Adham Hafez "White Arabs / Dark Arabs" 

The performance deals with where identity resides rather than what constitutes a given identity, and works as a score generating machine producing new presentations each time the artists collaborating on the work revisit it.

"White Arabs | Dark Arabs" process started right after the eruption of the 'Egyptian Spring' in 2011, as a response to a nascent and ephemeral art hype/ fascination/ economy that deals with the Arab subject in decontextualizing settings, where a performance of 'Arabness' becomes a mysterious necessity demanded from the creating/ performing artists from that region of the world. To be framed as an 'Arab' is what this piece aims to establish, using foreign and destablizing strategies of framing subjects and their cultures. WHITE ARABS | DARK ARABS in Berlin is the third revisitation after Netherlands presentation (Frascati/ Amsteradm), and a work process and new presentation in France (Centre National de la Danse/ Angers)

Join us for the studio performance and a discussion afterwards with the artists: Adham Hafez, Deborah Stokes, Neveen Allouba, Ismail Fayed, Mariam Sadik, Ohoude Khadr, Ahmad Moez

The presentation will be followed by a short discussion on 'Opera Baladi'; a new production of Adham Hafez Co. working with class hierarchy and representation of history in Opera and choreography, as well as with the newly developing popular electronic genre in Egypt named 'Mahragan'.

The presentations are the final showings of a residency organized and supported by TanzFabrik, Adham Hafez Co., with partial support from the Goethe Institut Kairo.

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Tanzfabrik Berlin/Kreuzberg
Möckernstr. 68, 10965 Berlin
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