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Übersicht Veranstaltungen 2013
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Open Studio
11. - 12.April 18.00 h nächste >
Diego Gil "White" 
Vuelo de Brujas by F. de Goya
Diego Gil's project in 2013 "White" investigates the relation between "language" and "movement" through the metaphor of magic incantations. The project investigates the "politics of potentiality" and designs a collective mode of artistic production in which each artist involved becomes the director of their own creative force.
During this first period of residence in Berlin Diego Gil researches the connections between magic incantations and the body in movement, producing "techniques" tested on his own that will be further devolved in the meeting with other artists.

Eintritt frei

Ort: Tanzfabrik Berlin/Wedding, Studio 5
Uferstr. 8/23, 13357 Berlin
Foto: Vuelo de Brujas by F. de Goya
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