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Übersicht Veranstaltungen 2006
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Performance - Lecture
12.August 16.00 h nächste >
Dan Belasco Rogers / Plan B 

Unfallen is a performance lecture demonstration based around three accidents that have left their marks on me when I was 8, 18 and 28. Although they all happened in London, I will carry them around with me forever. Every time I am asked to give the lecture, I project the locations of the accidents onto the new place. In Berlin, I find myself in a wood in Köpenick, trying to reconstruct being run over by a car in 1974 or outside the Reichstag looking for a certain lamppost…
Unfallen is about memory and the process of researching your own stories, about how you could start to see the drawing of your life, about dark matter and London taxi driver's brains, fish fingers and candles. About how fast you travel when you're sitting still
Unfallen is about an hour long. It's about travelling to meet you. Our journeys have already started. I hope to see you there.
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