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06.Dezember 18.00 h nächste >
Freistil - die Kunst der Improvisation 

Improvisationen mit
Ehud Darash/Berlin/Israel, Sandra Wieser, Christine Mauch, Nina Wehnert Trio/Schweiz/Berlin, Barbara Lucarini & Francesco Schiano (Rom, Heide Moldenhauer/Berlin, Kai Stöger/Berlin
Eintritt: 5,-€

Found Movement, East Gipsland - Australia 2009
By practicing beeing available to move from any part of the body, in any speed, level, effort, direction or duration, at any time the subjectis pressured into paying attention to the present. With no assumption or predictability about what will follow what (no fait accompli) the dancer is held awake by the imperative of taking eachsuccessive decision (or noticing each successive decision as it is made. "danse" Rosalind Crisp
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