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11.April 18.00 h nächste >
Andrea Spreafico "Catholic 1991" 

Concept and Direction: Andrea Spreafico with: Roy Aernouts, Ivo Bärtsch, Martin Flack, Steve Heather, Thomas Meadowcroft, Andrea Spreafico Dance: Ivo Bärtsch Texts: Andrea Spreafico, Roy Aernouts, Ivo Bärtsch, Martin Flack Music: Thomas Meadowcroft: Composition and performance Steve Heather: Composition and performance Rico Repotente: Recorded guitar riffs Set: Andrea Spreafico Light: Martin Flack Direction's assistance: Caroline Eckly
Catholic 1991 is a collage of images, quotes, dance, images, music, theatre and ideas about the end of The Twentieth Century, about the 90s, about the generation that celebrated its youth in these years. In 1991 we already had an idea of the 80s. Nonetheless, fourteen years after The Millennium Bug we still do not have a definition for the 90s. The reason is that nobody gave a shape to these years, they have been in limbo, waiting for the end of the century.
Catholic 1991 is a self-indulgent attempt to atone for the two sins of a apathetic generation: self-indulgence and apathy. Catholic 1991 represents the 90s in parallel with catholic culture, Catholic 1991 shows how the 90s were “catholic”, or perhaps how catholic cultures are just primordial forms of the global, loud, theatrical, decadent culture of 90s.

With the support of apap - advancing perfroming arts project 2011-2016

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Ort: Tanzfabrik Berlin/Wedding, Studio 5
Uferstr. 8/23, 13357 Berlin
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