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fabrikationen > APAP VI > Monologische Dialoge
29.Oktober 20.00 h nächste >
Mekhitar Garabedian & Céline Butaye > M. et moi 
Publication /Presentation
Mekhitar Garabedian’s work deals with memory, identity and history as unavoidable dilemma, which he carries with him as an Armenian born European emigre. Although he touches on very personal issues, Garabedian avoids the anecdotal by placing his discourse on a universal mental plane.

For the APAP-project Mekhitar Garabedian has invited Céline Butaye to collaborate. They are preparing a publication, a cahier de brouillon with images coming from both artists’ archives. The images form a dialogue, a self-portrait; a collection of unfinished, found, worthless and raw material, a starting point for new works. Having collaborated in the past on each other’s pieces, the book will be a look back at future projects, full of possible misunderstandings and lacking in words. An archive of what one remembers at night, just before falling asleep – what the body remembers.
Foto: Mekithar/Butaye
Lina Saneh > Someone must have been telling lies about me 

Video Work
Lina Saneh lives and works as a performance artist in Beirut. She is creating own pieces and collaborating with Rabih Mroué. Her video work is questioning the notion of monologue and dialogue. “Portraits of individuals, silent, attentive, concentrated and listening. But, whom do they listen to? And who are the others who speak? To whom do they speak? Do others listen? Why don‘t they answer? Do they answer? Who are they? .......

What is to speak? What is to listen? What are the conditions to have a dialogue? What are those of the monologue? Is it true that the monologue is a sign of solitude? .....

This video tries to disturb the usual terms of the dialogue and the monologue, to open a certain gap between the one and himself, to reveal the strangeness with one self, to create an anti-identity dissociation, which could disturb the well established patterns of self representation, of the concept of person, the relation to the other.....”
Empfang & Begrüßung durch Frau Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Fischer-Lichte 

Eintritt für den Abend: 10,-/8,-€

Die Installationen werden bis zum 2.11. gezeigt.
Iffat Fatima > Ethnography of an European city: Conversations in an Indian Restaurant in Salzburg 
Iffat Fatima works as an independent documentary filmmaker and is currently based in Delhi, but was born and raised in Kashmir. Her project proposes a multiple narrative tour of the city through images and conversations. She describes it as an “impressionist ethnography,” a phrase that taps into the play between private and public, the individual and the group, even its choice of words. “Impressionist” suggests an individual, spontaneous view; “ethnography” is the branch of anthropology that deals with scientific description of specific human cultures. The project is reflective of her engagement with simultaneous multiplicity and intercultural dialogue. It offers the possibility for a shift in perspective, the turning of the ethnographic eye on a western society, questioning some of the assumptions in the east west polarity/dichotomy.
Foto: Fatima
Julius Deutschbauer/Gerhard Spring > Sound of Migration 
Participation Film
Within the framework of the EU-project APAP VI: The Art of Survival - Artistic Views on the Social, Julius Deutschbauer and Gerhard Spring produce their play-along-movie “Sound Of Migration“ in Salzburg this August. Using their interview machine, they confront (festival) cultural and daily tourists with questions concerning the fate of a different kind of travellers, namely that of migrants. The outcome of these video recordings will be shown in Berlin, Brussels and Zagreb.

Since 2000 Deutschbauer /Spring presented numerous exhibitions, performances, lectures and films. The central part of their work is the creation of 100 posters, which are currently exhibited at the MAK in Vienna.
Foto: Ropac
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